New books, upcoming events, and huge sales

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy as the weather cools down. In Concord, NH, our leaves are starting to turn brilliant shades of red, yellow, and orange—just one of the many reasons I love living here. If you're a fellow Granite Stater or a New England neighbor looking for something to do in October, check out's Fall Foliage Tracker. It looks like we should be hitting peak foliage around the middle of the month. (If you do go leaf peeping, please remember to wear a mask when near others!)
Despite the strange year we've had, we continue to sell our books online and in bookstores, add virtual readings to our calendar, and help Hobblebush Design clients bring their books to life. What about you—have you found yourself reading more or less during the past few months? If you can carve out the time, reading truly can be an amazing way to escape the stresses of everyday life—even if it's just for a few minutes a day. (If you find yourself needing a really good laugh, I highly recommend Rebecca Rule's That Reminds Me of a Funny Story—now 30% off. It's a hoot to read cover to cover, but you can also open the book to almost any page and find a reason—or three—to smile.)
We have some exciting news to share, so please read on to find out about new books, upcoming events, and big sales. We hope you all stay healthy (October is a great time to get a flu shot!), read often, and be well.

Fifty-Four New Hampshire Poets Reflect on the COVID-19 Pandemic
“These poems tell the truth of what we’re feeling on a daily basis. The closings, the empty squares, those furtive eyes behind masks in grocery store aisles. But also, the small good things, a testament to resilience.” —Don Kimball
“Through unforgettable detail and imagery, this story of challenge and strength becomes New Hampshire-specific. The poems are compelling and frightening and touching all at once.” —Debora Pignatelli
Hobblebush Books is proud to share snapshots of New Hampshire history in COVID Spring: Granite State Pandemic Poems, edited by New Hampshire Poet Laureate Alexandria Peary.
To help support New Hampshire residents impacted by COVID-19, Hobblebush Books will donate $2 for every copy of COVID Spring sold to the New Hampshire Food Bank.
Join Us for Our Virtual COVID Spring Reading!

On October 8 at 7 PM, Gibson's Bookstore will be hosting a virtual reading with twelve poets featured in COVID Spring: Anna Birch, Bill Chatfield, Heather Crowley, Margaret Johnson, Grace Mattern, Patrice Pinette, Heather Radl, Joyce Ray, Carla Schwartz, Maren Tirabassi, Susan Zelie, and Jennifer Edwards.
If you'd like to join us, please be sure to register online. You'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and can log on shortly before the event begins.