The Possibility of Red
- A Bilingual editionPoems by Becky Dennison SakellariouTranslated into Greek by Maria Laina
- Becky Dennison Sakellariou was born and raised in New England and has lived all of her adult life in Greece. Recently, she has been “making her way home” to New Hampshire in the United States, where she now spends half of every year. Over the past twenty years, she has published in a wide variety of journals, and in 2005, her chapbook, The Importance of Bone, was published by Blue Light Press. Earth Listening was volume II in the Hobblebush Granite State Poetry Series. Her third book, What Shall I Cry?, was published by Finishing Line Press. She has won numerous prizes from individual small presses and has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Poetry Anthology.Maria Laina was born in Patras, Greece in 1947. She graduated from the Athens Law School and has worked in editing and teaching modern Greek language and literature at American college programs. She has produced and broadcast literary programs for radio and written scripts for television. She has published eight plays, four of which are monologues and eight collections of poetry. She has received three awards, one of which was the Greek National Award for Poetry in 1993. A collection of her poetry translated into German was given the Award of the City of Munich in 1995. Her plays have been performed on central stages in Athens, Τhessaloniki and elsewhere, and her poetry has been translated into most European languages and presented at international poetry festivals in Jerusalem, Berlin, New York, London, Stockholm, Munich, Princeton, and Majorca. She has translated Katherine Mansfield, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Edith Wharton, Patricia Highsmith, Charlotte Bronté, and Tennessee Williams among others, and has edited an anthology of 20th century poets, a selection of which is translated into Greek.
- "Becky Sakellariou’s writing has the passion and delight of a small child seeing her world for the first time, together with the wisdom, longing and regret of a mature woman. The New England voice of her youth has been abundantly infused with the lyricism of Greek cadences, which is why these poems translate so beautifully."Becky’s language is always surprising and evocative. It takes us to the spaces between thoughts, leaping effortlessly from one image to a far distant one and drawing our minds into ever-deeper meanings. 'Gulls rise' then 'plunge into their own dreams,' 'whales below the sand intone their depth,' and all the while the business of 'exile and homecoming, journeys and longing' never stops,' even when you finally get there.'"—Sue Camarados, author, Athens, Greece
- 40 pp, PaperbackISBN 978-1-939449-05-4Price $12.00Publication Date: May, 2014