Alice B. Fogel
Alice B. Fogel, Poet Laureate of New Hampshire (2014–2019) has taught reading, writing, and other arts programs for all ages in a variety of venues, from colleges to clubs, primary schools to prisons, and ESOL classes to summer institutes. A co-founder of the New Hampshire Young Writers Conference, she has presented programs on her own and through NH's arts and humanities councils, at the Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching, and many other venues. Alice’s most recent book of poems is A Doubtful House. Previously, Interval: Poems Based on Bach's Goldberg Variations, won the N. Schaffner Award for Music in Literature and the New Hampshire Literary Award in Poetry, and Be That Empty was a national poetry bestseller in 2008. Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including the Best American Poetry series and on the Poetry Foundation online ( She is available to lead reading group discussions, professional development workshops, and other programs for exploring the world of poetry as a reader or a writer. For more information about Alice, please visit