Hobblebush Design Testimonials

As a small publisher, I've turned to Hobblebush Design with many difficult book projects. The result is always the same—quality work delivered on deadline. I publish several first-time authors and delight to see their expressions the first time they see the proof of their books, especially the covers. Hobblebush does classy work that makes me look good."
George Geers
Plaidswede Publishing, newspaper editor and columnist

Received our beautiful books yesterday—they arrived in eight and a half small cartons perfect for lifting and storage. Very exciting to open the boxes and actually see and hold the books. The cover color is perfect—exceeds our expectations. As does the matte finish and the paper itself. As I think you mentioned, the cover has a special silkiness to the touch as well. Your expertise and sensibility have been there right from the start, Sid. Thank you for taking us by the hand and making what we had envisioned, possible."
Marjorie Block and Allan Cole
Author and Photographer, Where One Thing Becomes Another

I have found Sid Hall of Hobblebush Design to be a valuable resource for book production. Not only does he have a fine sense of design and typography, and excellent proofreading and copyediting skills, but he is also a good communicator. My printing customers feel very comfortable working with him and he gracefully takes care of all the little and big issues that come up during production."
Michael Ames
Account Manager for Harvard University, Puritan Press

Sid Hall is the best typesetter and book designer in the business. His attention to detail is extraordinary. When he is working on a new book for one of his clients, he gives every aspect of the job all the loving attention that James Joyce gave to every sentence while he was writing Ulysses. Anyone trying to produce a book can put their work into Sid Hall's hands with absolute confidence that the result will be splendid."
Lawrence Kinsman
Author and Professor of English, Southern New Hampshire University

When we made the decision to self-publish our illustrated children's book, Wind Bird, we needed a book designer who understood our needs and our target market. Sid Hall was patient and thorough in working with us and helped us make changes that added value to the project. His work was excellent and his design and layout work was outstanding. He is a pleasure to work with and truly listens to his clients."
Shippen Bright
Executive Director / Founder, Maine Lakes Conservancy Institute

Having recently received a copy of Franklin Pierce by Peter A Wallner, I would like to comment on the quality of this publication. The selection of paper and the clarity of type are excellent, the half-tone reproductions are superb throughout. The cloth binding and the quality of the spine is superb. In addition the dust cover is constructed of excellent stock and the quality of the illustrations and the precision of the printing and registration cannot be beaten. It is seldom in today's market that a publication such as this that may not be expected to sell a "million copies" receives such dedicated attention to the art and craft of book publication. It is truly a pleasure to add such a publication to my library and I feel that you should receive the highest compliments and understand that someone appreciates your efforts."
E-mail letter sent by two readers
Allan Hicks, First Pressman Printer and Thomas M. Oelrich, Emeritus Professor, University of Michigan

Thanks for another great job! Your ability to design a great looking book and find the right printer has made my job much easier and more rewarding. As primarily a ghost writer of personal memoirs it is such a pleasure to see the look on my clients' faces when I present them with a "Sid Hall production." They think I am a genius!"
Wade Keller
Keller Publishing

This volume is peppered with highly literary epigraphs and followed by endnotes on the poems, the fingerprint of Oyster River’s editor, Cicely Buckley, and its composition and layout are clearly the work of Sidney Hall, Jr. at Hobblebush Design. As fastidious as he is punctilious, Mr. Hall is always generous with negative space, leaving plenty of room for the reader to stretch out and enjoy his work."
John-Michael Albert
(Review of a book of poetry)

I just saw the book, as did all of us; it's wonderful! What a great job you did! I love the paper, and especially the paper on the inside of the cover, lovely! The art came out superb, beyond my wildest hopes, as did the photos. We are all extremely pleased! Thank you so much for all your advice and all the little touches – silver ink on the spine! that touch of red at the binding – and the design of the pages. I can't stop looking at it."
Charlotte Thibault
Illustrator for We Went To War, published by Concord Monitor Publishing

Our customers love the new book Sid's team did for us. Several have commented on his highly professional and easy-to-read layout. Words fail to adequately describe how happy I am with Hobblebush Design. There comes a time to go with the best. You owe it to your book. Hobblebush can't be beat. Plus, you get reasonable prices and on-schedule delivery. Look no further. You have found the team you need."
Tom Russell
Director, SuperWisdom.com Foundation