Book Darts
Based in Hood River, Oregon
"Bob and Jeanette Williams invented Book Darts in the basement of their Hood River, Oregon home to help Bob’s high school students with their English studies. They wanted to provide students with a tool that allowed eager readers to read more deeply, to allow them to share their discoveries, and to have quick and easy access to the ideas that inspired them (Book Darts do all this and more, all without marking the page or hurting the book!)
"As a teacher, Bob developed this book-safe tool as a means to insure that students could save anything in any book they wanted or needed to return to. Jeanette named these little inventions “Book Darts” and suggested the elegant amphora shape. Fellow teachers and parents took notice and began asking for these “Darts” to give as holiday gifts, and from there we grew. Soon, Bob left teaching entirely and the couple traveled the United States and Canada, visiting more than 2,500 bookstores, galleries, and gift shops to promote this new tool for better reading and deeper thinking."